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Friday, February 8, 2013

Obamacare and the How We Got To It

In early 2010, soon after Congress passed and President Obama signed Obamacare into law, I wrote the following:

Obamacare is a sham in every way and, once implemented, will serve to make health care in the US worse than it is today. Moreover, despite all the rhetoric claiming otherwise, it will be a very profitable windfall for both Big Pharma and Big Insurance. Obama secretly negotiated with Big Pharma prior to any of the legislation even being drafted, and Time magazine reported that Big Insurance is now actively working to see that Obamacare is implemented ASAP. So much for attacking the evil insurance companies!

(It should surprise no one that the insurance companies are now on board – Obamacare just guaranteed them 32 million more customers each and every month, which will more than offset whatever they may lose from pre-existing conditions and caps on coverage over the life of their policies. Moreover, even the Democrats have admitted that premiums will still continue to rise, by a predicted average of 13% next year alone.) (During his campaign for president, Obama repeatedly said publicly that his health care plan would save an average of $2500 per policy. You can easily find him saying so, since it’s now a viral online video.) (Of course, he also pledged to allow the public 5 full days to read any legislation awaiting his signature before he signed it into law, stating that all such legislation would be posted online. 36 hours after Obamacare passed the convoluted and craven House Sunday night, he had his latest photo op, using 22 pens to enable the federal government to takeover 16% - and now sure to grow – of our nation’s GDP.)

But these are the least of the travesties to be found in what happened Sunday, “ the day that will live in infirmary”, as Matt Drudge of the DrudgeReport so brilliantly put it.

The real crime is that Obamacare is now mandating that all of us literally buy into a system of "health care" which cares nothing for health at all and never has. It’s a profit-driven, disease-fostering system that is the antithesis of everything that humankind knows about health and wellness, and it’s that way intentionally, ever since John D Rockefeller (in the USA) and IG Farben (in Germany – those gentle folks who, among other things, enabled Hitler’s rise to power, owned the factories at Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps, and used their own criminal scientists to subject the camps’ Jew, Gypsies, and other unfortunates to a wide range of horrific “scientific experiments” before they were killed or died from the experimentation) decided to jointly create a stranglehold over Western medicine. (IG Farben, by the way, like Rockefeller’s multicorporate business entities within the umbrella of Standard Oil, made a fortune as a direct result of World War Two and not only emerged unscathed despite their known criminality, they even got the US government – meaning US taxpayers – to indemnify them for the destruction of their factory plants caused by Allied bombing sorties over Germany – You can’t make this stuff up. Additionally, many of today’s best known pharmaceutical companies today are offshoots of IG Farben, including Bayer, as in, yes, Bayer aspirin.) (Aspirin, by the way, was recently found to NOT be effective in preventing heart attacks and also dangerous when used for that purpose. It’s long been known that regular aspirin use, as well as aspirin substitutes like ibuprofen, which are even worse, also kills an average of 10,000 Americans each year when taken properly because it thins the stomach lining and causes stomach bleeding. Despite recent published findings – from the American Medical Association, no less – that aspirin provides no benefit at all for people at high risk of heart attacks, and a recent Wall Street Journal article entitled The Danger of Taking Aspirin Daily, you can bet that Big Pharma, the AMA, and most doctors in the US will continue to tout daily aspirin as a good way to reduce heart attack risk.) But I digress…

Here’s how today’s US medical system came to be dominated by drug companies.

At the start of the 20th century, when our federal government was still properly in place the way our Founding Fathers intended it always to be – very small and very limited in scope – at least 25% of all health care providers in the US practiced some form of what is now disparaged as “alternative medicine”. This included diet, nutrition, herbology, naturopathic medicine, osteopathy (back when it was not a mirror image of conventional MD medicine, as it is today), chiropractic, homeopathy (very popular at the time, and still a very powerful healing modality in the right hands), etc. Then came the discovery of penicillin and the widespread belief that humanity was on the verge of having “wonder drugs” for all of their ills. Admittedly, penicillin was very much a wonder drug back in the day, and was responsible for saving the lives of millions of people. So far so good. (Not so good today. Penicillin’s antibiotic heirs are directly responsible for the still rising tide of drug-resistant bacteria. Which, irony of ironies, are found in highest concentrations in hospitals.)

Most of the wonder drugs back then were also petrochemicals. Petro means oil. Guess who had the monopoly on oil in the US and much of the rest of the Western world. Ole John D, of course, via Standard Oil (broken up in an antitrust suit around the same time this was occurring, only to have its separate parts emerge even more powerful and monopolistic, which is the only reason Rockefeller allowed the US government at the time to appear to be standing up for “the little man.”) Ever one to maximize profit any way he could, John D realized all of the natural (meaning nondrug-based, and therefore nonpatentable) forms of medicine at the time stood in the way of the complete and utter domination by pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore they had to be destroyed.

Here’s where it gets fun. (And seriously, I have long admired the high level of intelligence that elitist bastards like John D exhibit. If only they put it towards better use!) Obviously Johnny couldn’t simply put the natural-based forms of medicine out of business openly. The public would never have stood for it. So, crafty devil that he was, he did what all folks who pull the world’s puppet strings do. He got the public to demand the very thing he wanted to see accomplished, doing so without ever once suspecting they were playing right into his hands. In short, he used the proven 3-step formula for moving the populace where you want them. (Lyndon B Johnson did it after the now-known-to-be-false “Gulf of Tonkin incident”, GW Bush did it after 9/11, and Obama did it with Obamacare.)

Here are the formula’s three simple, almost fail-proof (they fail miserably when the public pays attention, which is why Thomas Jefferson – my favorite president – warned: “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” Our nation’s in the mess it’s in primarily because said advice hasn’t been heeded for at least a century, probably much longer), ahem … here’s the three simple, almost fool-proof steps:

1. Create a problem.

2. Create a public reaction (“Somebody do something!”)

3. Provide a solution. (“Here I come to save the day!)

Of course, this 3-step tango only works if the solution to be provided is known before the problem is created. And the problem ALWAYS has to be based in fact.

For Johnny Boy’s purposes, this was all too easy. Being that – here’s the basis in fact – medical training at the turn of the 20th century had no minimum standards of curriculum. Quite the opposite. People could call themselves doctors in many cases simply after they attended what today would be called a weekend workshop at the end of which certification was provided. Or they could train diligently for a year or two. And everything in between. Some of the training was good. And some of it wasn’t.

So, step 1 for Good Ole John was to make sure the public knew about this. To which end, he and his cronies, all of whom also stood to profit from their brilliant gambit, hired a guy named Flexnor to investigate the system of medical education in the US at the time. Which Flexnor promptly did, all under the guise of altruism and having the public good at heart. After traveling around the country to purportedly examine our nation’s medical schools of the time, he issued what the American Medical Association still today calls the “most important” medical report of the 20th century.

In essence, it said:


As mentioned, at the time, the US government was properly limited in scope and therefore had no authority (Constitutionally, it still has no authority for most of what it does, including, now, Obamacare, but – too late! – the Constitution “is just a goddam piece of paper,” as Dubya said, and Obama completely agrees, and so do the vast majority of the other whores and puppets in DC) to make the changes that – Step 2 – the American public soon started to clamor for, thanks to Johnny’s pal William Randolph Hearst and others like him, stoking the flames of public outrage in their papers across the US. The changes being, of course, a uniform standard of medical education (again, note the brilliance, such a standard WAS absolutely necessary).

But if the federal government couldn’t step in and make this happen (you know, with back room deals and photo-op signings, etc, like they do today), well, Oh, Dear! Who could?

Never fear, good people. Here come’s Johnny D and his pals to – Still paying attention? Here comes step 3! – save the day!

And so they did. Supposedly.

What actually happened is that Johnny Boy and his pals sent their reps to every one of our nation’s medical schools via the benign posture of the charitable foundations. And these noble men (no women, at the time – exclusive boys club then) spent the next ten years telling each medical school, Look, the public is demanding change. Now, we know you are in no position to fund such change yourselves. We know how expensive that would be. But don’t worry. We, out of the goodness of our hearts and our love for our fellow man, are here to bear the cost for you. You’ll never have to pay us back, and we’ll provide you with annual funding in perpetuity. All, as we said, out of the goodness of hearts.

Oh, and, yes, there is one small thing, but it’s no matter really. What is it? Oh, nothing much, as we said. Only that, since we ARE after all providing you with desperately needed funds, we’re sure you’ll agree it’s only reasonable if we have a say in your curriculum from this point forward. Sound good? Excellent, please sign here, here, and here. What’s that? The part in the contract that mentions selling your souls? Oh, you know how it is. That’s just lawyerspeak.

Within that ten-year period, all but a handful (less than a dozen, by some estimates) of medical schools in the US had either accepted that deal or they went entirely out of business. As for those that stayed in business, gladly accepting Johnny’s moolah and that of his pals (all via charitable endowments), they very rapidly tossed out any mention of any natural therapy beyond superficial gleanings on diet (the average med school student today receives 25 hours of education of diet during his/her entire 8 or more years of medical training). (Don’t worry, there’s a pill for that.)

Instead, the curriculum is focused nearly entirely on drugs, drugs, and more drugs. And when the drugs fail, try even more drugs. And then even more. Rinse, repeat, and if worse comes to worse, well, we also have surgery. Very good, surgery is. Handsome profits to be had there too. And have we mentioned cancer-causing diagnostic devices like CT scans? You’ll love these. Real cash cows, as well.

All of the above is basically what happened. Not that you’ll learn any of it in modern medicine’s official story. And so things stand today.

(An historical aside: Despite never missing an opportunity to publicly rail against homeopathy and other forms of alternative medicine as “quackery,” Rockefeller used as his personal physician the same doctor used by England’s Royal Family. This physician’s specialty? Homeopathy! Allegedly, Rockfeller paid him well to keep his mouth shut. Rockefeller also became the largest donor to the AMA, which was formed in the 1800s in the US two years AFTER the formation of the much more highly regarded – at the time – American Homeopathic Association. In the early 20th century, the AMA was still a straggling, struggling organization. Johnny changed all that, making them the medical behemoth they are today. He also is largely responsible for our current Cancer Industry - along with IG Farben - but that, too, is another long screed for another time.)

Today, thanks to Rocky D and his boys, our medical system kills approximately 750,000 Americans each and every year, causes millions more to be hospitalized, and harms tens of millions of others, albeit not seriously enough to cause hospitalization. All of these facts are brilliantly spelled out in the book Death By Medicine by Carolyn Dean, MD and Gary Null.

And this is the corrupt system that Obamacare is now mandating all Americans partake in, whether they want to or not.

And that’s why I am so opposed to it. For me, it is not an issue of Dems v GOP issue, left, v right or whatever. The GOP is just as culpable for its passage as the Democrats are, and if they truly were serious about passing their own so-called free market reforms (most of which I support, by the way, and I despise the GOP as much as I despise the Democratic party), they could have easily done so during Dubya’s first term in office, But they were more interested in miring our nation in two illegal wars, the blowback from which we are only now starting to experience, along with shredding the Bill of Rights with passage of the so-called Patriot Act (another ploy of the puppetmasters – always use Orwellian “doublespeak” at all times – there is nothing at all patriotic in that abomination). (I maintain that our current economic crisis is karmic, in part, given that 90% of the nation at one time supported Bush’s warmongering – loss of jobs and homes and nest eggs in no way compares to what innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan are enduring, including the fact that both nations are going to be birth defect and cancer hot zones for centuries - barring new technologies - due to all the depleted uranium US troops have bombarded them with.)

Back to Obamacare, to me the issue is far more serious than one’s political views. In essence, it comes down to a matter of freedom. No person or entity has the right to mandate that I, or anyone else, buy anything. Period. That alone makes Obamacare wrong in every respect. And certainly no one has the right to demand that I, or anyone else, partake of a so-called health care system that quite simply most of the time does not work.

But as I said, Obamacare isn’t about health care reform at all. It’s about government control. (Why else is the IRS responsible for overseeing its compliance?) Which is something desired by both the Dems and the GOP. They just go about it in different ways. Yet the results are always the same – continued erosion of our freedoms and continued expansion of the behemoth bureaucracy that is the exact opposite of what our Founding Fathers risked their lives to create.