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Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu-The Hype and the Hoax

Last week the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that - OOPS! - there have only been 7 deaths from swine flu - not 152 or more. You can read WHO's statement here:

I doubt that will corral the media's fear festival for a while, though. Not when the makers of the two supposedly effective drugs announced for swine flu (one of which, Tamiflu, is known to cause death and psychotic behavior in teens) are laughing all the way to the bank now that Janet (9/11 Was Caused By Terrorists Who Crossed the Canadian Border-What? I'm Wrong?-Well, I Don't Want To Focus On The Past, I Want To Focus on the Future and the Future Is that Canada Has A Border) Napolitano (Seriously, she actually said all that!) and other government puppets around the world have caused Big Pharma's coffers to go KA-CHING KA-CHING with government mandated purchases of said drugs. Nobody serves Big Pharma better after all than idiot reporters who don't know the first thing about investigative journalism and government bureaucrats in thrall to the Drug and other Big Industries.

Talk about a bad movie. One that we already experienced a few years ago. Then it was called bird flu (SARS) and after all the hoopla of that manufactured fear fest died down (no pun intended) the upshot was (and is) that a total of less than 300 people worldwide died of SARS and all of them were either living and working in highly unhealthy, unsanitary conditions (those in Asia) or already significantly immune compromised (mostly elderly patients in Toronto). That time, Napolitano's stand-in was Tommy (I Love Big Pharma) Thompson and others in the previous White House junta. (Yes, I view the Obama WH just as cynically, if not more so)

In the case of the current swine flu hoopla, only people in Mexico have died. They too live in very unfortunate circumstances, not the least of which, in Mexico City and elsewhere, is some of the worst air pollution on the planet (so thick at times that I literally could not see across the street at street level when I was there, and things have only gotten worse since then), which in and of itself is a serious suppressor of immunity. And even in the 7 cases that WHO has now downscaled to, no actual autopsy has been performed that definitely proves swine flu was the cause of death. (These days, health authorities rely on the presence of antibodies as proof of the presence of a specific disease. Such nonsense has repeatedly been debunked by investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, and you can find more about why I agree with him by reading his posts on the subject on his website, Bottom line, all antibodies prove is that your body is doing the job it was designed to do. The exact opposite of what WH0, the CDC, and others twist their presence to mean with regard to viruses.)

What's also not being much focused upon is that this is not the first so-called outbreak of swine flu in the US. A previous flare up occurred in the 1970s when Gerald (Tumbledown) Ford was prez and wanted to mandate swine flu vaccinations for everyone. Fortunately, not enough vaccine was available for him to do so. I say fortunately because no one died of swine flu back then, yet 25 people died of the vaccine, hundreds of others were seriously injured by it (including at a number of cases of paralysis), and mutliple lawsuits were brought about Big Pharma as a result.

I wrote more about swine flu in my newsletter last week (, including common sense precautions that are basically free and available to anyone who wants to take responsibility for his/her health.

The bottom line is this - don't belief the hype and hysteria. You have a choice: Become informed and follow common sense health practices, or live in fear and line up for your potentially fatal vaccine shot when our government gets around to making Ford's wish come true. (With the Dems in power, that's more likely than ever, especially with clowns like Congressman Waxman increasingly gaining control over our nation's health care policies.)

1 comment:

  1. This man (Larry-man) is insightful and informative. I love reading his thoughts and commentaries and I TRUST that he's not just trying to BS me. What he writes makes sense. If something doesn't make sense to me, I either am suspicious OR I need clarification (I could be having a dumb moment). That we are lead around by the mass media in their own blizt to sell propaganda is an understatement. Common sense dictates that most (and I use the word "MOST" to give credence to the miniscule portion of journalists who try to do a good AND thorough job) of what is reported must, and I repeat MUST be flawed. The reason for that is just plainly this: Things get reported too fast for most human beings to have done a good job at the research. It's really that plain and simple. We know that news organizations operate on the premise of DEADLINES and BEING FIRST to report the "Breaking" story (Old Lingo: "Getting the Scoop"). That is basically one reason it is impossible to get accurate information from the general media. the other more cynical reason would simply be "greeeeed". That said, keep reading Larry's Stuff!
